Thursday, December 26, 2019

Finishing touches...

Putting some labels into the books for the library. This is just a few of the book many donations!  Thank you everyone. <3

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Books, books, books for Belize!

The generosity of everyone who donated books for my humanitarian trip has been amazing!  I received more books than I can take for the library; however, my plan is I will be donating any leftover books to the Denver Rescue Mission's The Crossing location where they have a store where families have access to clothes and household items for free.  I am going to ask for a shelf for book donations so families can have access to free books.  Here is just a few of the books that were donated!




The boxes have a hundred books in them I still need to go through in the next 2 days! BTW....does anyone realize how heavy books are?!?

Two days to departure!

It's hard to believe it's only 2 days until I leave on my trip! The time really flew by and in "Kari" fashion I procrastinated on a lot of things.  I had to have my passport renewal expedited but fortunately that arrived about 10 days ago.  I did get all my travel shots so I am ready to go in that respect.

Expedited my passport renewal and it came!

Oral typhoid made me sick 😥

Friday, November 8, 2019

Getting ready to travel to Central America

So many things to do and so little time as there are only 7 weeks until I leave the country. I'm so good at procrastinating...

We had a short planning meeting this past week with everyone that is going on this humanitarian trip with Village Book Builders. I believe there are 8 or 9 of us traveling from all over the United States. I will be heading up the art part of the project. My former piano teacher Ginger is an artist and we will work together to come up with an idea for an amazing mural and since she won't be going on the trip than I will bring our ideas to life and bring some color and creativity to the library.

Today, I received my first 3 books in the mail from a former girl scout of mine and they are some of her kids favorite books which makes it more meaningful. Also, Kelsey's mom Melanie and a dear childhood friend Jill's sister Tammy donated cash and I will purchase books on their behalf and donate to the library in their names.
I need to call and make an appointment for travel shots and get all the paperwork done for my passport renewal this next week. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. I also can start logging the books into a spreadsheet so it'll be less work to do while in San Lazaro and more time for home visits at night and reading to the kids in the village.

I am so excited for this journey!